Monday, 14 October 2013

Round Britain tripping

On Friday this week I am leaving home for multiple destinations and it will be 10 whole days before I return home. I am a home bird, and whilst I like going away, 10 days is more than enough for me. This means that my sewing time is limited for the rest of October, so don't expect to see an awful lot of sewing going on here.

As I travel from Lincolnshire, to Southport, to Cumbria, to Manchester, to Northern Ireland and back to Manchester and finally home, I will be seeing different friends as well as family. I also hope to spend some time with these two lovely ladies

We are staying with some dear friends in Northern Ireland. I last saw them in June and I made them this cushion to say 'thank you' for their hospitality.
Cushion for A & W
As my hubby and I are imposing on our friends again, I thought that another cushion was in order. I know that they liked the last cushion so I had been keeping the fabric in order to make them a 'matching' one.
Cushion Number 2 for A & W

Cushion (2) Back
So that is another item off my 'to do' list. I am going to sew prolifically today and try and get a couple of bee blocks made…. I will report back later in the week.

Di x


  1. That's a lovely cushion, I may just steal the design for the next cushion I am making for my MIL :) Happy sewing today, I know what you mean about being away from home, I only like it if it is a holiday with Alex, working away on my own is my idea of a nightmare. Thankfully I haven't got any of that sort of thing coming up for at least 6 months.

  2. Love cushion no 2! Are those fig tree fabrics? - the colours are beautiful.

  3. Great cushion, and well done on ticking something else off the list. :o)

  4. Habe a lovely time, and very pretty cushion!

  5. Lovely present! Enjoy your trip :-D

  6. You can stay with my anytime with hostess gifts like that! x

  7. Great cushion! Enjoy your trip!

  8. Love cushion number 2. Have a great time on your travels x

  9. Bon voyage Di! Love these cushions.
